January 5, 2023
Estes Park, Colorado is a beautiful town to get married with beautiful mountains right outside your door. To get married in the National Park there is some rules and location restrictions for doing the ceremony and saying your vows, because we want to keep our nature- natural.
So instead of you wondering how to do it, I am here to lend a hand.
Rocky National Park has a great info to about having your wedding, if you want some evidence.
If you are interested in getting married in Rocky, please remember to plan well in advance of your desired wedding date.
RMNP accepts applications the year in advance of desired wedding month.
For example: Beginning on November 1, 2022, Rocky Mountain National Park will start accepting applications for all days in November of 2023, etc.
If you are interested in getting married in Rocky during the 2022 Calendar year, please be aware that several months have already reached the maximum permit limits are are fully booked.
No additional applications will be accepted for the following months in 2022:
The maximum wedding ceremony size is 30 people, unless the normal site limit is less.
We appreciate your understanding in our efforts to keep visitors and staff safe as well as protect the park’s resources.
If your wondering- are they serious with their numbers- YES
There will be a park ranger there making sure the rules are followed and a serious fine will happen if you don’t.
Also remember to just forget the chairs for your ceremony, its easier, better for the environment and it will encourage guests to really watch the ceremony- Just my two cents.
If you are interested in getting married in Rocky Mountain National Park during the 2023 Calendar year, be aware that the Moraine Park Discovery Center Amphitheater will not be available as a wedding location.
There are 5-6 locations you can get married at in the National Park, but after you say your I dos you can go anywhere and take photos- the possibilities are endless.
If your guestlist is more than 30, I suggest renting out the YMCA Overlook chapel in Estes it gives you an incredible view but can seat a few hundred people.
Another option is Hermit Park
For more info click here
Another option is Oconnor Pavillion there is a great meadow surrounded by aspens and a river.
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