January 3, 2020
I often get asked what do I do for people who are awkward in camera or need some help.
Get Moving Prompts
With arms around each other, walk towards me like you’re drunk.
With arms around each other, take large steps in front of your partner (but be careful not to fall!).
Play the couple’s favorite song and have them dance.
Face one another and spin around in circles while holding hands.
Have your couple stand far away from each other and then run towards each other for a big bear hug.
Have one person slightly walk in front of the other, leading them while looking back every so often.
Stand next to each other and bump hips, trying to get the other person off-balance.
Lift and spin your partner around.
Give your partner a piggyback ride.
Run around and play tag.
Hold hands and run towards me.
Run up behind your partner and give them a surprise bear hug.
Dance like you’re at your wedding reception – bumpin’ music playing, surrounded by all of your friends, and a few drinks in.
Kissing game! Kiss your partner in three places that are not on the mouth.
Get close and express how much you love one another with only using your eyes.
Go in for a kiss, but don’t kiss until I say. Hold still for a moment.
Have one person nuzzle the other’s cheek with their nose.
With your foreheads touching and eyes closed, breathe each other in and out.
Hug like you won’t see each other for six months.
Give butterfly kisses on each other’s cheeks, necks, shoulders, etc.
Tell your partner why you love them.
Play with each other’s hair.
Sit down on the floor and tie yourselves up like a human pretzel.
The ‘lift and spin’ is always fun for couples who are comfortable with that pose.
If they aren’t a ‘lift and spin’ couple, the ‘dip’ is easier and just as fun.
I’m not a huge fan of ‘kissing shots’ so I often ask the couple to face each other and kiss their partners favorite part of their face other than their lips.
Wrap your arms around your partner from behind and hum your favorite song.
Kiss your partner as many times as you can other than the lips in 5 seconds.
Hug each other pretzel style.
In your sexiest voice, whisper your grocery list into your partner’s ear.
Pinch your partner’s butt!
Stand side-by-side holding hands and tell me an embarrassing story about your partner.
Tickle your partner.
Play with his beard.
Tell a joke.
Quote a funny line from your favorite movie.
Whisper the sound of a dying cow into their ear
Hold them close in 10-30 seconds scare them
Pinterest Laugh
What is your best Man Voice
What is your best girl voice
Jump on the bed.
Lay down, tangle up with each other’s, and just be in the moment.
Pillow fight.
Dance around and play with your pet.
Make a drink together – coffee, tea, cocktail, etc.
Get cozy on the couch and sip on your beverage.
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