June 9, 2014
I have been to hundreds of weddings and have learned a few things that I think all brides should know for their big day.
Bring a Sizzers – you will forget to cut off those dress tags that always seem to ride up and then you will ask the photographer to edit them out because for some shot that is crusial. So bring sizzers and cut them. Don’t worry about hanging up your wedding gown again, because statisically you will not wear it again- so it doesn’t need to hang off the hanger.
Deoderant- chafing and sweating happens- its not every day you have yards and yards of fabric on you and most weddings happen with 70 plus degrees. Put deoderant between your legs it will help your inner thighs not to sweat and when he pulls off that garter off of you it won’t be filled with sweat. Also put it under your chest, thighs and armpits.
Soap and water- almost all stains that happen to your dress can be taken out with soap and water. But make-up is something to keep it away from the dress. Soap and water will get out blood on a wedding gown, just rub and it will come out.
Your dress – your going to wear it once- as long as you gently place the dress where ever it won’t get stains. Most of the striking rememberable pictures have to take a risk with your dress and TRUST the photographer they WONT damage it. BE ADVENTERIOUS
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